Young Liberals of Canada (New Brunswick)

The Young Liberals of Canada (New Brunswick) have a rich history of engaging youth and helping shape New Brunswick’s political debate. Many prominent members of the New Brunswick Liberal Association (both elected and unelected) got their political start with the NBYL. We’re very proud of the integral role played by Young Liberals both in the NB Liberals’ 2014 majority victory and the Liberal sweep of all 10 New Brunswick seats in the 2015 federal election. A native of Rothesay, YLC Executive-Vice President Jamie Benoit helps represent our interests on the national stage. With several campus clubs and energetic youth in nearly all of our province’s ridings, the NBYL continues to shape the policies of the New Brunswick Liberal Association and is the best organized political youth group in New Brunswick.

Executive Name
Section Chair Patrick Doyle
Vice-Chair, English Kaitlyn Keleher
Vice-Chair, French Vacant
Finance Chair Vacant
Communications Chair Vacant
Policy Chair Drashtant Varma
Membership Chair Vacant
Organization Chair Vacant

Campus Clubs

University of New Brunswick & St. Thomas University – UNB/STU Young Liberals

Chief Officer: Vacant


Mount Allison University – Mount Allison Young Liberal Association

Chief Officer: Allison MacNeill


Crandall University – Crandall Young Liberals

Chief Officer: Victoria Dempster