Young Liberals of Canada (Manitoba)

The Young Liberals of Canada (Manitoba) are proud of they key role they play in moving the party forward and growing our movement at a grassroots level. We have a strong presence in Winnipeg and are working to expand our footprint to all corners of the province. The YLC(M) has a long of history of progressive leadership – current MLA Cindy Lamoureux even counts herself among our alumni!
Young Liberals in Manitoba are particularly proud of their role in helping elect a record seven Liberal MPs from our province in the 2015 election. While we recognize these and other accomplishments, the YLC(M) knows we have more work to do and are focused on continuing to push for progressive change in our party and province.
Executive Name
Section Chair Logan Kliewer
Vice-Chair, English Vacant
Vice-Chair, French Clark Kernaghan
Organization Chair Vacant
Policy Chair Vacant
Communications Chair Vacant
Finance Chair Vacant
Membership Chair Vacant

Campus Clubs

University of Manitoba – U of M Liberals

Chief Officer: Jason Quinn


University of Winnipeg – University of Winnipeg Young Liberals

Chief Officer: Vacant